Order of Battle for Operation Barbarossa



German Army Group North[1]

Commanded by Feldmarshal Wilhelm von Leeb (Chief of Staff - Lt.Gen. Kurt Brennecke)

German Sixteenth Army

Colonel General Ernst Busch

II Corps - General of Infantry Walter von Brockdorff-Ahlefeldt
12th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Walther von Seydlitz-Kurzbach
32nd Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Wilhelm Bohnstedt
121st Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Otto Lancelle
X Corps - General of Infantry Christian Hansen
30th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Kurt von Tippelskirch
126th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Paul Laux
XXVIII Corps - General of Infantry Mauritz von Wiktorin
122nd Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Siegfried Macholz
123rd Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Walter Lichel

German Eighteenth Army

Colonel General Georg von Küchler (Chief of Staff - Maj.Gen. Kurt Waeger)

XXVI Corps - General of Artillery Albert Wodrig
61st Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Siegfried Haenicke
217th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Richard Baltzer
291st Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Kurt Herzog
XXXVIII Corps - General of Infantry Friedrich-Wilhelm von Chappuis
58th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Karl von Graffen
254th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Walter Behschnitt
I Corps - General of Infantry Kuno-Hans von Both
1st Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Philipp Kleffel
11th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Herbert von Böckmann
21st Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Otto Sponheimer

Panzergruppe 4

Colonel General Erich Hoepner (Chiet of Staff - Colonel Walter Chales de Beaulieu)

XXXXI Corps (mot.) - General of Panzer Georg Hans Reinhardt
1st Panzer Division - Lt.Gen. Friedrich Kirchner
6th Panzer Division - Lt.Gen. Wilhelm Ritter von Thoma
269th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Ernst von Leyser
36th Infantry Division (mot.) - Lt.Gen. Otto-Ernst Ottenbacher
LVI Corps (mot.) - General of Infantry Erich von Manstein
8th Panzer Division - Lt.Gen. Erich Brandenberger
3rd Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Curt Jahn
290th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Theodor Freiherr von Wrede
SS-Totenkopf Division - SS-Obergruppenfuhrer Matthias Kleinheisterkamp

German Army Group Center[2]

Commanded by Feldmarshal Fedor von Bock

German Fourth Army

Colonel General Günther von Kluge

VII Corps - General of Artillery Wilhelm Fahrmbacher
7th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Eccard Freiherr von Gablenz
23rd Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Heinz Hellmich
258th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Dr. W.Henrici
268th Infantry Division _ Lt.Gen. Erich Straube
IX Corps - General of Infantry Hermann Geyer
137th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. F. Bergmann
263rd Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. E. Haeckel
292nd Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. M.Dehmel
XIII Corps - General of Artillery Hans Felber
17th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Herbert Loch
78th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Curt Gallenkamp
XXXXIII Corps - General of Infantry Gotthard Heinrici
131st Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Heinrich Meyer-Buerdorf
134th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Conrad von Cochenhausen
252nd Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Boehm-Bezing

German Ninth Army

Colonel General Adolf Strauß

V Corps - General of Infantry Richard Ruoff
5th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Karl Allmendinger
35th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Fischer von Weikersthal
VI Corps - General of Pioneer Otto-Wilhelm Förster
6th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Helge Auleb
26th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Friedrich Wiese
VIII Corps - General of Artillery Walter Heitz
8th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Gustav Höhne
28th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Johann Sinnhuber
161st Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Hermann Wilck
XX Corps - General of Infantry Friedrich Materna
162nd Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. H. Franke
256th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Gerhard Kauffmann

Panzergruppe 2

Colonel General Heinz Guderian

XII Corps - General of Infantry Walther Schroth
31st Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Kurt Kalmukoff
34th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Hans Behlendorff
45th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Fritz Schlieper
XXIV Corps (mot.) - General of Panzer Leo Geyr von Schweppenburg
10th Infantry Division (mot.) - Lt.Gen. Friedrich-Wilhelm von Loeper
1st Cavalry Division - Lt.Gen. Kurt Feldt
255th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Wilhelm Wetzel
XXXXVI Corps (mot.) - General of Infantry Heinrich von Vietinghoff
10th Panzer Division - Lt.Gen. Erich Brandenberger
SS-Reich Division - SS-Obergruppenfuhrer Paul Hausser
Infantry Regiment Großdeutschland - Maj.Gen. Wilhelm-Hunert von Stockhausen
XXXXVII Corps (mot.) - General of Panzer Erich von Manstein
17th Panzer Division - Lt.Gen. Hans-Jürgen von Arnim
18th Panzer Division - Lt.Gen. Walther Nehring
29th Infantry Division (mot.) - Lt.Gen. Walter von Boltenstern
167th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. H.Schonharl

Panzergruppe 3

Colonel General Hermann Hoth

XXXIX Corps (mot.) - General of Panzer Rudolf Schmidt
7th Panzer Division - Lt.Gen. Hans Freiherr von Funck
20th Panzer Division - Lt.Gen. Horst Stumpff
14th Infantry Division (mot.) - Lt.Gen. Friedrich Fürst
20th Infantry Division (mot.) - Lt.Gen. Hans Zorn
LVII Corps (mot.) - General of Panzer Adolf-Friedrich Kuntzen
12th Panzer Division - Lt.Gen. Josef Harpe
19th Panzer Division - Lt.Gen. Otto von Knobelsdorff
18th Infantry Division (mot.) - Lt.Gen. Friedrich Herrlein

German Army Group South[3]

Commanded by Feldmarshal Gerd von Rundstedt

Romanian Army Group Antonescu - Was shortly disbanded on June 29

General Ion Antonescu

Romanian Third Army - Lt.Gen. Petre Dumitrescu
Romanian Fourth Army - Lt.Gen. Nicolae Ciupercă

German Sixth Army

Colonel General Walther von Reichenau

XVII Corps - General of Infantry Werner Kienitz
56th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Karl von Oven
62nd Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Walter Keiner
XXIX Corps - General of Infantry Hans von Obstfelder
44th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Friedrich Siebert
111th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Otto Stapf
299th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Willi Moser
XXXXIV Corps - General of Infantry Friedrich Koch
9th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Siegmund Freiherr von Schleinitz
297th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Max Pfeffer
LV Corps - General of Infantry Erwin Vierow
75th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Ernst Hammer
168th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. H. Mundt

German Eleventh Army

Colonel General Eugen Ritter von Schobert

XI Corps - General of Infantry Joachim von Kortzfleisch
76th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Maximilian de Angelis
239th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Ferdinand Neuling
1st Romanian Armored Division - Bg.Gen. I. Sion
6th Romanian Cavalry Brigade - Mg.Gen. A. Racoviţă
XXX Corps - General of Infantry Hans von Salmuth
198th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. O. Roettigg
8th Romanian Infantry Division - Bg.Gen. Orasanu
13th Romanian Infantry Division - Bg.Gen. Rozin
14th Romanian Infantry Division - Bg.Gen. Stavrescu
LIV Corps - General of Cavalry Erick-Oskar Hansen
50th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Karl-Adolf Hollidt
170th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. W. Wittke
5th Romanian Infantry Division - Bg.Gen. Vlasescu
Italian Expeditionary Corps - Lt.Gen.Giovanni Messe
9th Italian Motorized Infantry Division - Gen. D.V. Giovanelli
52nd Italian Motorized Infantry Division - Gen. D.L. Manzi
3rd Italian Cavalry Division - Gen. M. Marazzani

German Seventeenth Army

Colonel General Carl-Heinrich von Stülpnagel

IV Corps - General of Infantry Viktor von Schwedler
24th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Hans von Tettau
71st Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Alexander von Hartmann
262nd Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. E. Thiessen
295th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. H. Geiter
296th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Wilhelm Stemmermann
XXXXIX Mountain Corps - General of Infantry Ludwig Kübler
68th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. G. Braun
257th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. K. Sachs
1st Mountain Division - Lt.Gen. Hubert Lanz
LII Corps - General of Infantry Kurt von Briesen
101st Light Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Erich Marcks
Slovakian Mobile Brigade - LTC. Pilfousek
Slovakian Expeditionary Group - Gen. Ferdinand Čatloš
1st Slovakian Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Antonin Pulanich
2nd Slovakian Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Alexandr Čunderlik
Hungarian Fast Corps - Gen. Béla Miklós
1st Hungarian Motorized Brigade - Bg.Gen. Jenő Major
2nd Hungarian Motorized Brigade - Bg.Gen. János Vörös
1st Hungarian Cavalry Brigade - Bg.Gen Lajos Veress

Panzergruppe 1

Colonel General Paul Ludwig Ewald von Kleist

III Corps (mot.) - General of Cavalry Eberhard von Mackensen
13th Panzer Division - Lt.Gen. Friedrich-Wilhelm von Rothkirch und Panthen
14th Panzer Division - Lt.Gen. Friedrich Kühn
XIV Corps (mot.) - General of Infantry Gustav Anton von Wietersheim
9th Panzer Division - Lt.Gen. Alfred Ritter von Hubicki
SS-Wiking Division - SS-Obergruppenfuhrer Felix Steiner
XXXXVIII Corps (mot.) - General of Panzer Werner Kempf
11th Panzer Division - Lt.Gen. Ludwig Crüwell
16th Panzer Division - Lt.Gen. Hans-Valentin Hube
57th Infantry Division - Lt.Gen. Oskar Blümm


Northern Front[4]

General Colonel Markian Popov

7th Army (Separate)

Lieutenant General Pilip Danilovich Gorelenko

54th Rifle Division
71st Rifle Division
168th Rifle Division
237th Rifle Division

14th Army

Lieutenant General Valerian A. Frolov

14th Rifle Division
52nd Rifle Division
1st Tank Division
42nd Rifle Corps - Major General Roman Ivanovich Panin
104th Rifle Division
122nd Rifle Division

23rd Army

Lieutenant General Pshennikov P.S.

19th Rifle Corps - Major General M.N. Gerasimov
142nd Rifle Division
115th Rifle Division
50th Rifle Corps - Major General V.I. S'cherbakov
43rd Rifle Division
123rd Rifle Division
10th Mechanized Corps - Major General I. G. Lazarev
21st Tank Division
24th Tank Division
198th Motor Rifle Division

Northwestern Front[5]

General Colonel Fyodor Isodorovich Kuznetsov

5th Airborne Corps - Major General Bezuglyy Ivan Semenovich
9th Airborne Brigades
10th Airborne Brigades
214th Airborne Brigades

8th Army

Lieutenant General P.P. Sobennikov

10th Rifle Corps - Major General I.F. Nikolaev
10th Rifle Division
48th Rifle Division
50th Rifle Division
11thh Rifle Corps - Major General M.S. Shumilov
11th Rifle Division
125th Rifle Division
12th Mechanized Corps - Major General N.M. Shestopalov
23rd Tank Division
202nd Motor Rifle Division

11th Army

Lieutenant General V. I. Morosov

23rd Rifle Division
126th Rifle Division
128th Rifle Division
16th Rifle Corps - Major General F.S. Ivanov
5th Rifle Division
33rd Rifle Division
188th Rifle Division
29th Rifle Corps - Major General A.G. Samokhin
179th Rifle Division
184th Rifle Division
3rd Mechanized Corps - Major General A.V. Kurkin
2nd Tank Division
5th Tank Division
84th Motor Rifle Division

27th Army

Lieutenant General M. E. Berzarin

16th Rifle Division
76th Rifle Division
3rd Rifle Brigade
22nd Rifle Corps - Major General M.P. Dukhanov
180th Rifle Division
182nd Rifle Division
24th Rifle Corps - Major General K. Kachalov
181st Rifle Division
183rd Rifle Division

Western Front

General Colonel Dmitry Grigorevich Pavlov

Southwestern Front

General Colonel Mikhail Kirponos

Southern Front

General Colonel Ivan Tyulenev


  1. ^ http://niehorster.orbat.com/011_germany/41-oob/ag-nord/_ag_nord.html
  2. ^ http://niehorster.orbat.com/011_germany/41-oob/ag-mitte/_ag_mitte.html
  3. ^ http://niehorster.orbat.com/011_germany/41-oob/ag-sued/_ag-sued.html
  4. ^ Operation Barbarossa 1941 (2): Army Group North (Campaign) (v. 2)=Robert Kirchubel. Osprey Publishing. 2005. p. 29. ISBN 184176857X. 
  5. ^ Operation Barbarossa 1941 (2): Army Group North (Campaign) (v. 2) Robert Kirchubel. Osprey Publishing. 2005. p. 30. ISBN 184176857X.